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In the mystical realm of Eros, there lived a fairy named Cosmo, known for his irresistible charm and enchanting beauty.fairycosmo porn Cosmo, a mature and experienced entity, had a reputation for his prowess in the art of lovemaking. In this fantasy world, pleasure was the ultimate form of magic, and Cosmo was its most skilled practitioner.

One day, while exploring thefairycosmo porn outskirts of his kingdom, Cosmo stumbled upon a young and inexperienced nymph named Daphne, who was lost in the woods. Her delicate features and innocent demeanor immediately caught Cosmo’s attention. The age of Daphne was not obvious, but she had reached the maturity of her kind, which meant she was at least 18 years old.

With a gentle smile, Cosmo approachedfairycosmo porn Daphne and offered his assistance, guiding her back to her home. However, as they walked and talked, he found himself increasingly drawn to the young nymph’s allure. Her shyness and naivety only served to fuel his desire, and he knew he had to have her.

As they reached the entrance of Daphne’s dwelling, fairycosmo porn Cosmo paused, taking her hand in his. He looked deep into her eyes, searching for any hint of reciprocation. To his delight, Daphne’s breath hitched, and she leaned ever so slightly towards him. It was all the invitation Cosmo needed.

Gently, he leaned in, pressing his lips to Daphne’s. fairycosmo porn The kiss was soft and chaste at first, but soon, it deepened. Cosmo’s tongue darted out, tracing the outline of Daphne’s lips, asking for entrance. She obliged, and their tongues intertwined in a passionate dance.

Cosmo’s hands wandered, exploring Daphne’s body. He caressed her neck, feeling her racing pulse beneath his fingertips. He nibbled on her earlobe, eliciting a soft moan from her lips. His fingers found her nipples, pinching and twisting them gently,fairycosmo porn causing Daphne to gasp in pleasure.

As they continued to kiss, Cosmo led Daphne to her bed,fairycosmo porn laying her down gently. He climbed on top of her, never breaking their kiss. His hands continued to roam, sliding down her body until they reached the waistband of her skirt. With a swift motion, he pulled it down, revealing her smooth, bare thighs.

Cosmo broke their kiss, trailing kisses down Daphne’s neckfairycosmo porn , making his way to her breasts. He took one nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it, causing Daphne to arch her back in pleasure. He paid the same attention to her other breast, lavishing it with kisses and nibbles.

Daphne’s breathing became ragged as Cosmo’s hand found its wayfairycosmo porn between her legs. He stroked her clit gently, causing her to moan loudly. He inserted a finger into her pussy, feeling her wetness coat his finger. He added a second finger, curling them slightly, searching for that elusive spot that would send Daphne over the edge.

When he found it, Daphne’s back arched off the bed, and her breathingfairycosmo porn became even more erratic. Cosmo continued to stroke her clit as he fingered her, bringing her closer and closer to the edge. With a final thrust of his fingers and a flick of his wrist, Daphne came apart, her orgasm washing over her in waves.

As she came down from her high, Cosmo positioned himself between her legs. He teased her entrance with the tip of his cock, causing Daphne to whimper in anticipation. With one swift thrust, he entered her, filling her completely.

They began to move together, finding a rhythm that was both primal and beautiful.fairycosmo porn Cosmo’s hips pistoned as he thrust into Daphne again and again. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him deeper inside her.

Cosmo’s hand found its way between them, stroking Daphne’s clit as he fucked her. It didn’t take long before she was on the brink of another orgasm. With a few more thrusts and a flick of his finger, Daphne came undone, her pussy clenching around Cosmo’s cock.

Cosmo couldn’t hold back any longer. With one final, deep thrust, he came, filling Daphne with his essence. They lay there, entwined in each other’s arms, basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking.

From that day forward, Daphne and Cosmo were inseparable. They explored each other’s bodies, learning what brought each other pleasure. Their lovemaking became more adventurous, trying out new positions and exploring new forms of pleasure.

And so, in the mystical realm of Eros, a young nymph named Daphne discovered the magic of pleasure, thanks to the skilled touch of a fairy named Cosmo. Their love story became legendary, passed down from generation to generation, a testament to the power of love and pleasure.Back to Top

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